Or not. The P-dude isn't in town, and Gary Coleman certainly isn't riding shotgun these days, but their spirits are still out there. Somewhere.

It has been a long time indeed since I did any voice recording. Before the GDR podcast, even... I recorded approximately three hours of commentary for a special edition of Frenetic Plus that I planned on releasing. Sadly, both it, and the voice files have been lost to the ages. Right now I'm recording some lines for the demo, and getting the feel for the proper cadence, tone, and delivery. The first take was pretty decent, but I know I can do better with a little practice. It's good to see something come together quickly and with so little effort, compared to my recent escapades.

I got the dialog turned out late this evening. The dialog and response scripts will be completely separate from the rest of the demo sequencing, so I can develop them in parallel and not have to worry about the timing tripping over each other. Once they are both finished, I can gently massage them into place over an hour or so.

This article was updated on October 6, 2023