Vampire Pimps From the Wild Beyond (Windows binary)

(source and web playable build will be released after final version)

This year's 4x live jam was a great success, and I managed to get my entry done with time to spare. I'm still hacking away at the game, because I enjoy playing it and feel like it deserves some more balancing and polish, but I'm posting the compo version (v1.00) because that's the deal. Code things. Post things. Everyone wins.

The game is difficult to describe with the typical "It's x but with y" phrasing. It's a delivery game with some exploration and upgrade features, and combat mechanics vaguely similar to Ogre Battle. The objective is to wander the star system, pimping your "employees", until such time as you've accumulated enough savings to retire. The difficulty continues to escalate while you play, so there's incentive to get off your ass and work toward retirement. Random events can result in extra money, ship upgrades, or better equipment. A simple mouse-based interface makes playing the game a breeze.

It's quite weird, and has a unique flavor. Obviously I love it, and surprisingly... I enjoy playing it. Perhaps I'm getting better at this whole gamedev thing. Stay peeled for a v2.0 post with more features, and source release.