tentacode thoughts

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tentacode thoughts

Post by syn9 »

I've started language documentation with links to source and binaries here: Tentacode Documentation.
I'll be removing items from the list below as they become documented at that link.

We were discussing the idea of making a simplified c dialect in the discord today. I thought I'd post my personal language loves/hates on here to keep track of in case we decide to actually make something. Feel free to contribute. This list is a work in progress and by no means a list of must-haves.

Things I like
loops and breaks to labels

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my_label: loop { // infinite loop with label
	loop { // inner infinite loop
		if break_inner() {
		} else {
			break my_label; // break out of outer loop
range syntax

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a = [0..5]; // vector with values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
b = [0..=5]; // vector with values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
foreach context for for loop

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for c in "my string of characters" {
	println("character: {c}");
enumeration version

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my_list = [1, 2, 3];
for it in iterator(my_list) {
  x = it.value;
  y = it.key;
// or
for {key, value} in iterator(my_list) {
  x = value;
  y = key;
unicode strings, but able to access raw character array if desired
helpful compiler / interpreter warnings
ability to break to repl
being able to break and inspect the values of variables at runtime
being able to give someone a small exe that has all the library dependencies built in and is small
easily being able to run on web
ability to print formatted strings to console + ability to build formatted strings

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x = 5.758889;
println("raw val: {x}, 2 decimal places: {x:.2}, truncated to i32: {}", x as i32);

s1 = "fizz";
s2 = "buzz";
y = string("{s1}_{s2}_{}", x);
z = s1 + "_" + s2 + "_" + x as string; // equivalent to above
ability to load resources in background threads
the ability to eval("code();");
being able to join vectors

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b = [1, 2, 3];
c = [4, 5];
d = 6;
a = [b, c]; // a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a = [a, d]; // a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
structures with functions --> ok to get rid of entirely by using namespacing, maybe only used for constructors...

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struct MyStruct {
	a, // type will be inferred later
	b: i32, // explicit type
	c: string, // trailing comma is ok

	def member_func() {
		println("value of member vars: {a}, {b}, {c}");
memory allocation for a struct is only the memory required for the member vars, nothing else
memory allocation and default instantialization of user defined types with zeros
being able to put underscores inside numbers for readability

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a = 1234567;
b = 1_234_567; // equivalent
default pass by value to functions, with optional pass by reference

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x = "string";
x = reverse(x); // pass by value and return reversed string
reverse_by_ref(x); // pass by ref and reverse in place
would be neat to have some ECS ideas as first class elements of the language
the ability to include other source files so you can break up your code

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include "subdir/code.ext"; // equivalent of dumping the contents of code.ext into this location
include "code.tt" as mod; // public include
internal include "code.tt" as mod; // private include
ability to print out the type of something

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x = 1.5;
y = "test";
z = MyStruct();
println("x is a {x:?}, y is a {:?}, z is a {:?}", y, z);
built in map types

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x = ["a" = 5];
y: map<string, i32> = ["b" = 7];
z: map<int, vec<f32>> = [5 = [1.1, 2.2, 5.5]];
z["c"] = MyStruct();
candymap = ["a" = "apple", "b" = "banana"; "c" = "chocolate"];
for k, v in candymap {
	println("candymap[ {k} ] = {v}");
built in set types

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x = {1, 2, 3};
y: set<string> = {"a", "bb", "ccc"};
set operations

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// all equivalent to x = {2, 3};
x = {1, 2, 3} & {2, 3};
x = {1, 2, 3} - {1};
x = {1, 2, 3}; x{1} = {};
matrixable arrays

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x: vec<vec<f32>> = [[0, 1, 2], [4, 5, 6]];
x[0][1] = 4;
pre-filled arrays

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x = [1; 5]; // equivalent to x = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
slicing using ranges

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x = [0; 5];
x[2..5] = [1..=3]; // equivalent to x = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3];
clearing/empty notation

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// empties an existing map/vec/set, or creates a new one if not already existing
x = [];
y = {};
tuple destructuring

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v = (1, "a", 3.5);
x, y, z = v;
array to set to array conversion

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x = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3];
y = x.to_set(); // y = {1, 2, 3};
z = x.to_set().to_vec(); // z = [1, 2, 3]; equivalent to z = x.unique();
built in nan and inf types

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x = 1/0; // equivalent to x = inf;
finding inside vectors, getting index of values

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x = [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4];
i = x.find(1); // i = [0, 2];
i = find(x == 1); // i = [0, 2];
i = x.find(2, "first"); // i = [1];
i = x.find(1, "last"); // i = [2];
i = find(x == 1, "last"); // i = [2];
i, v = find(x > 2); // i = [4, 5], v = [3, 4];
_, v = find(x > 2); // temporary created for index and immediately freed
y = [1, 2, 3, 4];
z = x[y > 2]; // z = [3, 4]; ??
w = x == 1; // w = [0, 2];
vector subset using a vector

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x = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14];
i = [1, 2, 3];
y = x[i]; // y = [11, 12, 13];
empty checking

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x = [];
if empty(x) { println("x is empty"); }
if x.is_empty() { println("x is empty"); }
built in binary and ascii file handling
built in graph / tree / linked list
built in swap using destructuring

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x = 1; y = 2;
x,y = y,x; // x = 2, y = 1
RAII and auto-free when leaving scope

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x = MyStruct(1); // allocate and construct x
	x = MyStruct(2); // allocate and construct local x
	f = fopen("test.dat", "w");
	f.println("{}", x.val());
	// f gets closed when leaving scope, equivalent to manually calling f.close();
	// local x gets free'd when leaving scope
// original x is here
boolean types

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x = true;
y = false;
functions as objects

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mult = @ i32 = (a, b) { println("returning {a} * {b}"); a * b } // anonymous function object
y = mult(1, 2);

grid_mult = # [i32] = (&a, &b) { a[GRID_ID] * b[GRID_ID] } // grid function object (compute / parallel dispatch)
c = [1, 2, 3]; d = [4, 5, 6];
y = grid_mult(c, d);
ability to extend the functionality of an object like adding ECS components to entities
assigment using block as expression

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x = {
	a = 2;
	b = 3;
	a * b // no semicolon, block return value is the value of the last line
}; // x = 6
one thing i like about c/++ is that if statements evaluate from left to right and break out early if not satisfied
built in random number generation without having to load a library or module, to include range notation

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x = rand(); // float value between 0 and 1
y = rand(0..3); // integer value in [0, 3)
z = rand(0..=3); // integer value in [0, 3]
built in assert capability

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x = 1;
assert(x == 2); // shows assert at line number
assert(x == 2, "assert message"); // optional additional message to display if assert gets triggered
built in reflection on structures / types
inferred types for function parameters and return values if you're not explicit.

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def myfunction(x, y) { // parameter type inferred from caller
	return x * y; // return type inferred from parameter types
block assignment

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vec2f pos = { 2.2, 3.3 };
tuple<f32, enum> z = { 5.99, :COFFEE };
set<i32> w = { 5, 3, 1 };
Brighämmer: destructuring syntax mirrors the literal syntax

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const {foo, bar} = getObj(); const [first, second] = getArray();
from rob: braces can be removed for implicit destructuring

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i32, i32 my_func()
//equivalent to
{i32, i32} my_func()

a, b = my_func();
//equivalent to
{a, b} = my_func();
"using" syntax for typedefs

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using TileMap = vec<i32>;
Brighämmer: I really want to be able to write something like

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const foo <= bar(each items) 
and bar gets dispatched across however many threads for every item, and foo ends up being a joinable channel or promise or something


Things I kinda like
big hurdles to using pointers
no null data type - things can only be concrete
no automated type conversion, or at least compiler warnings whenever types are not explicitly converted
functions and variables in structs that are default private but can be public
assignment using match arms

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x = match y % 2 {
	0: "fizz", // if y mod 2 is 0, then set x to "fizz"
	1: "buzz",
return expressions

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def bool = is_equal(a, b) {
	if a == b {
		return true; // explicit return
	false // expression return
constants and when the compiler warns me if a const isn't upper case

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x = 5; // mutable and inferred type
MY_CONST: const = 10; // immutable and inferred type
MY_CONST_STRING: const string = "an immutable string";
having a built in for raise-to-the-power

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x = y ** 3; // equivalent to: x = y * y * y;
built in performance profiling
easy to play languages/interfaces like matlab, processing, and shadertoy
inline if/for/while/loop without having to use curly braces

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if 4 < 5 : println("pass");
for x = 0..3 : println("{x}");


Things I hate
whitespace as scope
fussing with project files just to get something to run
math functions as member variables: (5.6).cos();
having to have header files
when the compiler forces me to use a certain text case for things, except constants
when I can't do: x += 1; and am forced to use x = x + 1;

Link for future self when this is ready to be a compiled language: https://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/MyFirstL ... index.html
Last edited by syn9 on Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:10 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: tentacode thoughts

Post by syn9 »

I put together a simple interpreter based on the Crafting Interpreters book including some of the above ideas and feedback in the channel.

Here is a small guess-the-number game.
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Re: tentacode thoughts

Post by Sirocco »

As far as C goes, vectors being a native type and not something that was bolted on would be nice. GLSL has nice bit-swizzling. I'd love to be able to easily add or multiply vectors in a single command.

Obviously with strings, *anything* is better than what comes out of the box. Dirt simple concatenation would be great.
Also I feel like tokenization could be simplified (strtok) and I use that fairly often to parse strings for config files, scripts, etc.

I'll probably think of more later. The problem with working in C is that after so many years, my brain has worked around all the wonky bits, and just doesn't think too much about it. But then you hit something with strings and then it's right back to the reference pages/manuals lol.
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Re: tentacode thoughts

Post by syn9 »

oooo, built in swizzling like GLSL would be pretty sweet, good idea.

a full up rock-paper-scissors game in 75 lines:
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Re: tentacode thoughts

Post by syn9 »

testing out some built in raylib support

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