Welcome to the first GDR Community Challenge for 2021.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it,
is to use the emoji generator to make a micro-game based off of 4 randomly generated emoji.
GO HERE. Generate 4 emoji until something makes sense. The goal is to get weird so don't just sit there and reroll until you can make Mario.
2. Make a micro-game using the 4 emoji as your theme.
3. All targets are allowed. All libraries/engines are allowed. Get out there and get shit done.
4. Challenge ends in
one month. So April 13th for teh slow.
With this, I might make a dating sim minigame where I have to text a dragon funny messages until it loves me. Or else I get cooked by its fiery breath. Or I might make a one-screen shooter where I throw phones at a dragon to collect hearts, while avoiding fire blasts.