Far Afield

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Far Afield

Post by Sirocco »

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Far Afield is a rogue-ish game where you explore a randomly generated island in search of the items required to defeat the Lord of Darkness. Take a little 7th Saga, a little Zelda, and a dash of Ogre Battle and throw them in the blender. Mix. Chill. Serve. You only get one life, so pick your battles... if you can.

This project is late in development, and only lacking in music, some sound effects, and balancing, before it can be released. Target platform is Windows (freeware), but if it's well received can go to other platforms. It's built on my existing game framework, with SDL.

See the post below for play footage from a recent build of the game.
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Re: Far Afield

Post by Sirocco »

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Re: Far Afield

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Working on balancing, and adding more variety to enemy encounters. More enemies have status ailments they can inflict, and many will move significantly faster than you on their home terrain. I'm also giving some of the flying enemies an AOE that inflicts fatigue, which slows you down and makes it more difficult to escape. Mixing these in with random mobs could prove interesting, but I have to see if it makes the game too unfair.

I don't mind if the player gets randomly wiped every once in a while, but it's bad when it feels arbitrary and unearned. Of course, if you're just not paying attention and run into a dumb situation I don't feel bad about it :D
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Re: Far Afield

Post by Sirocco »

I've decided to resume development of this project. I've been procrastinating because I really just don't want to do SDL development now that I've gotten comfy with Raylib.

Having played the current build quite a bit, I've identified some core weaknesses in the design that need addressing. I'll go over them one at a time and point out where I'd like to go in the months to come.

1. There's no emphasis on getting the player into danger zones.
Grasslands are about 50% of the map, by volume, and are reasonably safe to walk over. Mobs can chase you, but they don't generally stray too far from their preferred biomes, and they will get tired eventually and disengage. You have to explore the whole map to find the points of interest that hide essential upgrades, but early on players will want to farm weak enemies for money, because combat is too dangerous if you wander into tougher biomes. And really, the money you get from fighting tougher enemies isn't worth the risk early on because you only have one life.

The idea I came up with is to scatter caches around the map in semi-predictable areas, to encourage the player to wander through dangerous areas, but still avoid enemies. For example, ruined towns tend to spawn thieves (weak enemy) and marauders (tough enemy), and unless you have to pass through them, there's no reason to go in there. But I plan to put a money cache in most of them. I can do something similar in other biomes.

2. Food is fairly easy to come by. Water, however, isn't.
You have to maintain a supply of food and water in order to automatically heal wounds. If you run out of either, you stop healing. That's a death sentence unless you can avoid combat and find what you lack. The problem is that springs are the only source of clean water, and while springs show up on the map once you've discovered them, they are really small (one tile), and can be hard to spot. My intent was to have the player hang around the springs, staying near them until a new one is discovered. This allows a sort of "island hopping" strategy, where you explore an area around the spring, until you find a new one and move to it, repeating the process until you get enough flask upgrades to carry a bunch of water.

In practice, this didn't work out too well. I frequently ran low on water, and had to check my map and backtrack. And I guess it just got old quickly? I may adjust the rate of water consumption down about 25% across the board. I also plan to tint all the tiles near a spring blue, radiating outward a good distance, so you can "see" them from afar. That should help players home in on new ones.

3. Combat still lacks something
I'm kinda fascinated by "bump combat" where you bump into things to inflict damage. It's quick, easy, and you don't have to push buttons, or get into prolonged battles. Just walk into the enemy until someone dies, or one of you runs away. Which is cool, but I'd like to have interactivity of some sort. Maybe a button you can press at the right time to do a critical hit, or evade an attack. While that seems dangerously close to QTE-territory, which I utterly despise, I have seen it used to good effect in Xenoblade 1 and 2, so long as you make it something that helps the player when they succeed, rather than punishes them if they fail.

Overall, I feel like the project has shaped up nicely, and I'm proud of where things are, but I'm cognizant of just how much further I need to go. I'm tantalizingly close to something interesting. Just need to beat the damn thing into shape a bit longer :D
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Re: Far Afield

Post by Sirocco »

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Despite my best efforts to slack, I fired up the IDE and started cranking out fresh code. Springs now have a generous blue tint that spreads from their origin, fading out in the distance. This will make finding new springs considerably easier, and help you track them as you get close.

After giving the matter some consideration, I've decided to add *gasp* extremely simple QTEs to combat. Keeping in line with what Xenoblade 1 did, there is a single button that you need to keep track of, and time a press of the button to either get a critical hit, or perform a bonus evasion. Critical hits show up as an orange/red square , and evasions will show up as blue or green circles (haven't decided that yet). Obviously the screenshot above is preliminary, but that's a live shot. Timing and detection window seem good from my estimation (i did narrow the latter after I took the shot). Again, the idea is to give the player a chance to pay attention to what they are doing and get in some nice bonus moves.

I'll work on cleaning up the effect, adding in sound effects and visual cues, and tying it into the combat mechanics tomorrow.
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Re: Far Afield

Post by Sirocco »

Working on a bunch of small-ish additions to Far Afield to make exploring more interesting. Looking at a day/night cycle that affects spawn rates and rewards (and water consumption), more grassland spawns, wandering NPCs that give out hints, food/water caches in abandoned farmland, and changes to what's available at the guild. Each time I play the game I keep a list of things that work, or fall short, and I'm planning to address a bunch over my vacation.

The last few play thru's have been good. I usually get a full set of blue equipment (2nd level) before I end up doing something stupid like get frozen by undead and end up croaking. I'm still working with essentially unlimited money while I test things. Pretty soon I need to play a few games with 0 starting balance, and see where to set guild prices.

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Re: Far Afield

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Random polish.
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Re: Far Afield

Post by carra »

You seem to be adding a nice amount of polish. I do believe that playing through the game yourself is the way to know what really works
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Re: Far Afield

Post by Sirocco »

carra wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:28 am You seem to be adding a nice amount of polish. I do believe that playing through the game yourself is the way to know what really works
It may not be the most objective way of going about it, but I can't complain with the outcome thus far. And that's how I've worked, for the most part. I diverged from that when I was making Inimicus, and let about a dozen people beta test it and give me feedback. However, that was a difficult project to balance, given how utterly random the game could be at times, and how many strategies people could cook up.
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Re: Far Afield

Post by Sirocco »

Got in a ton of work today (over a 13 hour stretch, with periodic breaks).

I did a significant amount of tweaking to the pace of combat, and how fluid things feel. I also finished working on the critical hit QTE, along with additional animations and a button prompt over the target area (which I'll continue adjusting as I go). I also made about half a dozen sound effects, and got them triggering at the correct moments. After tracking down several inefficiencies and bugs in the world generator, I got random card and food caches appearing on the map. The distribution isn't quite where I want it, but it'll do for now. I also came up with a new animated flask for the water pickups.

I'd say I made the right choice in revisiting the combat. It feels *much* better now. I actually look around for stuff to kill now, instead of running away ;)
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