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Re: Off topic - 2022 - Q1

Post by PoV »

Sonrisu wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:53 pm Mastodon certainly seems interesting. I checked it out a long time ago. Ultimately social media sites like that just aren't for me. :]
It's an acquired taste, that's for sure. :D

...uh oh, my fingers are moving and I think I'm about to pull a Tsugumo on the topic of social networks. :lol:

I can't stand Facebook, so I don't use it, with the sole exception of Facebook Marketplace because Kijiji (Canadian Craigslist) is dead. I'm also glad Meta isolated their VR stuff from FB, even though I'm not particularly sure it makes a big deal.

I wanted to like Discord (especially since I know the CEO), but I can't. I ended up deleting my accounts there just to remove temptation. It's the same reason I stopped using IRC. From a tech standpoint Matrix is really nice, but I'm sure most people will see it as a clumsier Discord. I do use a Slack with some local friends (board gaming group), as well as one with one of my clients. Otherwise I avoid chatrooms now. I'm legit too ADHD for it. :lol:

My IM of choice these days is Signal. Thanks to a Facebook Messenger glitch I convinced my wife to install it, and I'm so glad I'm down to one app.

(Oh right, I may have forgotten to mention I got married over the summer)

I have little-to-no interest in other social medias (TikTok, Instagram, Linked-In). Reddit I'll occasionally dip into, but I almost never say anything.

I never really thought of YouTube as a social network, but they crossed a line for me recently with the addition of Shorts. IMO social media recommendation algorithms and "doom scrolling" are unhealthy, even dangerous. They are like crack for the ADHD brain, blasting your eye-holes with hit-or-miss content at such a pace you can't help but feel addicted. I used to blame just Shorts for this, but even ignoring them I find YouTube's recommendations to be too good sometimes. Ahem, after recently binging years of ProjectFarm videos, I disabled the YouTube app on my phone. I still watch or listen to the occasional video, but for my sanity there's way more friction now.

Finally Twitter yes I feel somewhat committed to, even though I've grown to hate it. Mastodon for me has captured much of the vibe that Twitter once had. And because it has finer-grained controls of what you see, not to mention no ads and no algorithm, and the trashier human beings that like to tell you you suck don't get it and wont even consider it, I find it just so much more pleasant. :lol:

Finally forums. I used to think that I was old and "oldskool forums" were somehow better than modern social media. I still use a couple (this and one with some biz friends), but in hindsight I think I like it for the same reason I like my Slack channel with my local friends: you're not constantly rewinding and repeating yourself.

The unwritten rule of public chat channels is that as folks come and go, you need to repeat yourself. You need to introduce yourself to both join a community, and as others do it. If someone returns or hasn't chatted with you in a long time, you need to catch them up. A private or invite channel (or small community), you already know everyone, and you can just pick up where you left off with minimal effort.

I'm patient, but I like to be constantly moving forward. Also my role with role with Ludum Dare requires me to rewind, restate, repeat myself, in order to maximize understanding for all those reading my words for the first time.


I guess to extrapolate why I tolerate/like Twitter and Mastodon, I'm not necessarily repeating myself. I'm always broadcasting.

PS: I love writing because I find it really helps me organize my thoughts. I hadn't come to the conclusion about rewinding until I was writing this post. So yes, while I may be "repeating" myself having drafted this, I'm thrilled to have a conclusion I can get behind. That's incredibly valuable to me. One more dopamine hit from understanding. :lol:

PPS: The point of this message was that I wanted to talk about IndieWeb: . In a nutshell it's movement to "return to the old ways" where everyone owned their existenc. Running personal websites, blogs, etc. In some ways it's a modern evolved take on webrings, that silly way we used to discover similar websites.

Mastodon fits into this picture too, though I do realize many people aren't interested in being operators. Many folks aren't paranoid about their privacy either, not until it's too late.
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Re: Off topic - 2022 - Q1

Post by Gered »

Social media. Ew gross. :( Never was into Facebook, Instagram or anything like that. I feel like these days, unless you are super-pro-amazing at professional networking (I am not), depending on your industry, you probably can benefit from a LinkedIn account unless you are lucky enough to have a job you don't hate and can stay at for many years (If this is you, just know that I envy you greatly). I hate LinkedIn. With a passion. So gross.

I originally signed up for Twitter fairly late after realizing there was a lot of news I felt I was "missing out on" because I wasn't following people on there. It was fine for a while. But over the past two years, I felt I was coming away from Twitter more depressed than ever. This despite trying to actively prune who I follow. Almost everyone eventually retweets some politics crap.

Deleted my Twitter account over the summer. Absolutely zero interest in Mastodon either. I debate deleting my Reddit account too but it still fills a "where do I get my news from" void as well as some niche special interest communities I like to keep my hands in. Although a recent experiment I did with Reddit where I just completely unsubscribed from any news/politics/regional subreddits went very well so I think I may keep this approach permanently into the future to be honest and just forget the news almost entirely. Maybe.

I love the idea of people returning to blogging or other personal websites just because they want to instead of doing it to promote themselves for some sort of personal or professional gain (e.g. money/fame). For myself, I never left this space. I've always kept a simple personal website/blog for myself (which I've restarted/rebooted probably as many times as GDR has been restarted, hah) and always intend on it ... but it does feel like a dead idea in these "modern" times. Something that will never be anything other than a niche at best. I think Twitter/Facebook and now Mastodon has contributed to that to a large extent. And that makes me sad. Bleh.

EDIT: I forgot to say what I hate about Discord. And I do hate Discord. Quite a lot. Discord seems to have, along with Reddit and to a certain extent Facebook Groups, replaced the "old school" forum. I find Discord to be a dreadful replacement for this ... I mean, it's a god damned chatroom. For people just shooting the shit between friends ... ok, Discord works great. For a repository of knowledge for some group or project? Not so much. It pains me to think about the amount of information locked away in Discord that is un-indexed by search engines. And so much noise exists in many Discords, while most moderation is ... inadequate. So to find information you gotta go digging and probably ask the same question(s) that have been asked a billion times before by others. And Discord search isn't too great, though not completely terrible either. But again, like with Twitter/Facebook replacing personal blogs/websites for many people, it kind of makes sense ... it's far easier for someone to sign up for an account and immediately start posting stuff with ease than it is to set up a website or forum (generally speaking). Bleh ^ 2.
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Re: Off topic - 2022 - Q1

Post by Sirocco »

In regards to the Indieweb thing, one of my (low-priority) 2023 goals is to reboot my persona site. I need something amazingly low-maintenance, because web stuff is still annoying to me. Been messing around with Publii, but I haven't quite made it stick yet. I have a lot of docs and projects that aren't up on my current site, and I would like to eventually get to where people can find all my stuff.

The 4x4x4 site is pretty spartan, and could use a facelift as well.
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Re: Off topic - 2022 - Q1

Post by Sonrisu »

> I need something amazingly low-maintenance, because web stuff is still annoying to me.

I did this for my sites. I just hand-wrote basic HTML in a simple text editor. It is literally *just* HTML. No CSS. No scripts. No includes. Nothing fancy. Static, no fuss.

And you know what? It turned out pretty good IMO; it has no "design", feels like old web. There's nothing to personally get tired of (design/layout-wise), so no pressure or feelings of needing to redesign it.

What I have to show the world is pretty basic though. Just a list of games, download links, and some screenshots.

It's pretty much a set-it-and-forget-it setup. I'm glad I did it. :]
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