Ugh. I'm never doing this again (at least while I'm still working). Nope. This may very well have been a bridge too far, at least in terms of my mental health. I've already spent 3/4 of a year grinding out this demo. My brain is mad as hell at me, as it well should be. I keep telling myself that life is meant to be lived, but pacing is also important. No one ever accused me of proficiency in that regard.

I'm in a dead sprint on the last part of the demo, working every night and weekend on this and nothing else. Occasionally my brain gives out, as it did last Sunday, and leaves me unable to function. This is understandable. I've got a short break coming up at the end of the month, and aside from the usual socialization and mingling, I plan to spend most of it grinding.

At least this year I got my Christmas shopping done before the 25th. Go on, praise me a little; I won't tell.

This article was updated on December 11, 2023