Looking over the latest progress report, it appears that I'm slightly ahead of schedule... but this is an illusion, as we all know projects are never complete. There's always some random piece of polish left unrealized. Being a perfectionist, even in a minor capacity, is a pain in the ass. I'm making an attempt to keep my health up in the final weeks before the compo: going to bed earlier, getting in a little more exercise, reducing caffeine, destressing in the evenings, etc. Got a clean bill of health from the doc, while I was on a maintenance kick.

The overwhelming senses of dread and urgency have largely subsided. I'll be working hard until the last possible moment, but I'm not going to practically kill myself like I did last time. A nasty stomach bug has been making the rounds in my area, and I've picked it up twice in short order. Clearly I need to relax a little and let my immune system recover. This last year was been damn hard on me.

I've got a new travel laptop with radically different hardware from my dev PC (processor, GPU, OS, screen res and refresh rate) and took the opportunity to test out the demo on it. I noticed a single graphic glitch, and although I wasn't immediately able to grok the cause, I'm almost certain it has something to do with the refresh rate. I've made everything in the demo frame-rate independent, but there's always the possibility I got lazy one night and let something slip. I'm not terribly concerned about it, and this is the kit I'll be bringing to the compo, so I'll have plenty of time to bang out a fix and test it.